Mis Amigos Langages adheres to curriculums such as SUBE and which is a research based methodology with proven successful teaching strategies in classrooms nationwide. Our focus is to maximize learning according to the child’s developmental age as per known research related to the aptitude for linguistic development taking place during the “window of opportunity”.
We believe that the most important element in teaching children a second language is to provide a creative and nurturing learning environment that builds self esteem in each child. This positive exposure creates the foundation for the students to continue learning throughout their lives. The learning becomes effortless, enjoyable, and most importantly, non-threatening. This factor is especially beneficial in second language learning, where research has shown that fear and anxiety can inhibit learning. This curriculum provides opportunities for children to build confidence and a positive self-esteem around their new language.
Sube was founded on the valuable lessons learned from children raised in bilingual homes, where the native language and second language are introduced simultaneously. In addition to reading and writing, SUBE teaches children the target language through the use of academic and social language skills through games, music, art, movement. Techniques such as *TPR (total physical response), mime, sign language or dramatic gestures are also incorporated.
The various unique activities and techniques incorporated in the program are based on various language theories and methodologies that have proven successful in second language instruction. Sube is foremost based on the *Theory of multiple intelligences developed in 1983 by Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University, and suggests that our traditional notion of intelligence, based on IQ testing, does not reflect the broad range of human potential and diverse learning styles of children and adults. We share his belief that the linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence that our traditional schools focus on represents only one of the many forms of intelligence that individuals may possess. Each child thinks and learns in their own way according to their unique intelligence (i.e. logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial/visual, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal or naturalist). The Sube program provides a variety of multi-sensory games and activities around each thematic unit, in order to address the diverse learning styles of students. Research has shown that learning in your preferred learning style increases motivation and effectiveness (Language Learning principles, Carol J. Orwig, 1999). In addition to addressing diverse learning styles, the multi-sensory approach motivates student learning, increases vocabulary retention and maximizes the learning that occurs in these short blocks of time.
Research shows that students need to be immersed in language within meaningful context, and in a variety of social settings. The Sube curriculum is built on activities in which language is required in order to participate and progress to higher levels. Doing so gives purpose to the activity, and stimulates communication with and among students leading the way for increased exposure to grammar and verb conjugation. The challenge is in how to maximize the learning within short blocks of class time in a way that provides opportunities for meaningful personal connections to the language. A technique that has proven effective for maximizing the learning in short blocks of time, is the organization of academic content around thematic units that correlate with other life experiences. Research has demonstrated that this practice provides opportunities for students to develop skills in order to appropriate knowledge around the chosen theme.
These strategies and approaches create the unique Sube methodology: A thematic curriculum based on multi-sensory materials and activities that incorporate successful and research-based teaching strategies to develop comprehension, speaking, reading and writing skills. The Sube methodology provides a balanced curriculum that provides opportunities for each of these skills to be developed simultaneously in a safe and creative environment that nurtures the student’s confidence, and develops a positive self-esteem around their new language.
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